Difference from XState

Difference from XState #

Why not use XState in CLJS? #

  • In XState the context can only be a plain js map. One can not use cljs objects (map/vector) as context, because xstate doesn’t preserve the context object’s prototype, because it uses Object.assign when updating the context.
  • For a CLJS project, xstate may be good enough, but we still need a solution for CLJ projects.
  • Last but not least, xstate uses strings to represent states everywhere, but in clj/cljs we tend to use keywords instead.

Unsupported XState/SCXML Features #

  • invoking another machine/promise/actor
  • final states & done signals
  • history states

These features may be implemented in the future.

Different structure for the state map #

In xstate, the state object has two keys value and context

  value: "waiting",
  context: {
    user:   "jack",
    backoff: 3000

But in clj-statecharts the state map is a flat map:

{:_state :waiting
 :user   "jack"
 :backoff 3000}

In the state map, any underscored key (e.g. _state) is internal to clj-statecharts, which means your application code should not modify it (e.g. in an context function). The others are the application specific data (equivalent to the “context” of xstate).

The reason behind this is that after using the xstate-like two-level map structure in some real world projects, it’s obvious that the two-level map is hard to integrate into an existing project, e.g. putting the state inside a re-frame db.